

The word "chair" refers to a piece of furniture typically made with a backrest and designed for a person to sit on. It is one of the most essential items in our daily lives, providing comfort and support while we work, eat, or relax. Chairs come in various styles, materials, and sizes to suit different needs and preferences.

In various cultures and historical contexts, chairs have held different levels of importance and symbolism. For example, in ancient Egyptian culture, chairs were reserved for those of high status, such as pharaohs and nobles, while common people sat on mats or cushions. In more recent history, chairs have evolved to serve different functions and represent various design trends, from traditional wooden chairs to the sleek and contemporary designs of modern furniture.

A chair

Over time, chairs have gained significance not only for their functionality and aesthetic appeal but also for their cultural and socio-political implications. In the world of art and literature, chairs have been used as symbols to represent power, authority, and occupation. They have been featured in famous paintings and sculptures, such as Vincent van Gogh's "The Yellow Chair" and Auguste Rodin's "The Cathedral."

Moreover, chairs have also played a role in innovations and technological advancements. Ergonomic chairs, for instance, have been designed to promote better posture and provide comfort over long periods, addressing the concerns of sedentary occupations. With advancements in materials and manufacturing techniques, chairs have become more versatile and durable, adapting to different living and working environments.

Therefore, the word "chair" represents more than just a functional piece of furniture. It embodies our evolving needs, styles, and social values. From ancient thrones to modern office chairs, the concept of the chair connects us to our past, present, and future, demonstrating our capacity for creativity, comfort, and adaptation.








n. 椅子;主席

v. 使就座;担任主席




  1. pull up a chair:拉一把椅子坐下来

  2. fall off one's chair 大吃一惊


  1. chair的基本意思是椅子,指有靠背,有时还有扶手的单人椅引申可指坐在椅子上的会议主席大学教授职位在大学里,设立保持得到辞掉一个讲座也用chair

  2. chair作会议主席,大学教授等职位解时,须与the 连用,首字母通常用大写用作主语时,其谓语动词常用单数形式

  3. take a chair表示请坐, take the chair表示主席就位,主持会议


  1. Please pull up a chair and join us for dinner.(请拉一把椅子,和我们一起吃晚饭)

  2. The chair of the committee will preside over the meeting.(委员会主席将主持会议)

  3. The restaurant has comfortable chairs and good food.(这家餐厅有舒适的椅子和美味的食物)

  4. She was elected as the chair of the board of directors.(她被选为董事会主席)

  5. He pulled out a chair for her and she sat down.(他为她拉出一把椅子,她坐了下来)
